Terms & Conditions
Legal Disclaimer
Welcome to Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop! Our T&C provides the legal boundaries governing the activities of our website visitors and customers. The T&C are meant to establish the legal relationship between the site visitors and Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop. However, please note that the information contained in our T&C is only general and should not be considered legal advice or recommendations. We recommend that you seek legal advice to assist you in the creation of your specific T&C.
T&C - The Basics
T&C are a set of legally binding terms defined by Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop. T&C should be defined according to the specific needs and nature of our website. For instance, Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop requires T&C that are different from a website only providing information. T&C provide Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop the ability to protect ourselves from potential legal exposure. However, please note that the T&C may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so make sure to receive local legal advice if you are trying to protect yourself from legal exposure.
What to include in the T&C document
Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop's T&C generally address issues such as who is allowed to use the website, the possible payment methods, a declaration that Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop may change offerings in the future, the types of warranties Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop gives customers, a reference to issues of intellectual property or copyrights, where relevant, Mama Ray's Kitchen Online Herb Shop's right to suspend or cancel a member's account, and much more. To learn more about our T&C, please contact us.